In 2016 we have expanded our worldwide operations and we are still growing, delivering online surveys worldwide. Currently, iWadi is present in the United Kingdom, United States of America, Australia, Germany, France, Philippines, India, Ireland and Poland. We are aimed at further development and to deliver online paid surveys to more countries. The main challenge that we have been facing so far is to reach the elderly and those living in the countryside or underdeveloped areas. In some areas the respondents tend to be more distrustful and we have been taking efforts to build their trust towards online paid surveys.
An online survey is the systematic gathering of data from the target audience. It is characterized by the invitation of the respondents and the completion of the questionnaire over the Internet. Nowadays, online surveys are the most widely utilized survey methods. Every year they gain more and more popularity in the world as a research tool.
Online surveys allow obtaining required information in a shorter time at a much lower cost. Online surveys can be rapidly deployed. The respondents are able to answer the questionnaire by inputting their answers while connected to the Internet. The responses are automatically stored in a survey database, providing hassle-free handling of data and a smaller possibility of data errors. In addition, online surveys offer the ability to reach respondents worldwide. Global companies can study preferences of their customers in different countries and respond accordingly to their various needs, often determined by cultural differences. What’s more, thanks to online surveys, companies can reach out to specific target groups, with explicit behavior, interests, material status. After completion of the relevant study, the analysis and results are available almost immediately.
The respondents tend to be keen in responding to online surveys. They can answer the questionnaire according to their own pace, chosen time, and preferences. Also, online surveys give them a sense of privacy which in turn results in more honest answers. Most importantly, online paid surveys offer monetary or nonmonetary incentives, which are rare in the traditional researches.
iWadi is part of one of the largest and fastest growing research companies in the world – Cint AB group, based in Stockholm (Sweden). Cint AB is an online research platform through which panelists in more than 60 countries every day share their experiences and opinions on various products, brands, services, services. In addition, they get paid for their opinions.