Are you a student? Would you like to make some extra money? Visit iWadi online paid surveys and join us at
iWadi is a new and modern online research panel that brings together people of all ages from all over the world and combines their openness to the world and their desire to share opinions on various topics. We work with leading brands in the field of marketing research. Our clients include private companies, research agencies, universities, NGOs and local governments. Every day we collect thousands of answers through online paid surveys.
Signing up with iWadi is completely free and requires only a valid e-mail address.
Why you should sign up:
- You will be making money online, without leaving your home. Easy and fun. On average you only need to spend an hour or two weekly. All payments are done via PayPal.
- There is no risk on your side. Registration is completely free. You can opt-out or cancel your account at any time. Your data is safe. We are committed to strict EU regulations and ESOMAR guidelines.
- By completing the online surveys you have an impact on how your favorite brands or products will look like.