How can I participate in paid surveys?
First, sign up. Then check your e-mail address. Invitations to paid surveys are sent via e-mail to the e-mail address provided on the Registration Form.
Do I have to participate in all the paid surveys to which I get invitations?
No. Participation in each survey study is completely voluntary. You decide which paid survey you want to complete. But remember, the more surveys you take the more you earn.
What are my obligations when I register?
The Participant’s sole obligation is to provide true information in the registration process in the Panel as well as honest and truthful answers to the questions asked in the surveys.
Can I change the password to my Panelist’s Account?
Yes. You can time change your password at any time. Changing of the password is possible after logging into the Panel. To change your password:
- Log in to your Participant’s Account.
- Press Your profile.
- Press Update Profile.
- Press Change Password.
- Enter the new password and press Update.
What do I do if I forgot my password?
If you have forgotten your password, press the Participant’s Account Sign in button and then choose Forgot your password? After providing of the e-mail address, we will send you a new temporary password to your Participant’s Account.
Why is the money sent only after the amount of 12.50 USD is accumulated?
The surveys conducted through the Panel involve several thousand people per month. Sending small amounts of money is very expensive and would drastically increase our operation costs and as a consequence would force us to reduce the Participants’ remuneration.
Why is a 2% fee charged when I transfer money to my PayPal account?
PayPal charges 2% transaction fee on amounts transferred to PayPal account. It is a processing fee applied by PayPal to all transactions.
What happens if I have to stop completing the survey?
Completion of the survey can be interrupted at any time and will not cause the loss of already provided answers. To return to the survey again click on the link to the survey received in the e-mail (invite). You must however keep in mind that each survey is carried out within a certain time and it can happen that, despite the desire to complete the survey, an access to it will be already closed.
How much can I make for completing paid surveys online?
Under the condition that you are qualified for a given survey, by completing of a single online paid survey you can earn up to 5 USD. Actual earnings on a single paid survey can vary and depend on the length of the questionnaire and the type of study.
How do I check my remuneration?
To check the amount of accumulated remuneration log into the Panel, and then go to the page Your Profile / Receive prize.
Can I get a bonus for an acquisition of a new member?
At this point, we do not have such functionality. We are working on a dedicated reference program for the Panel’s Participants. As soon as it is ready, we will inform about it on our blog.
How many Participant’s Accounts can be established in the same household?
One Panel’s Participant may have only one account; however, if there are more persons in your household, all family members can have their own independent Participant’s Account and independently participate in online paid surveys.
How do I opt-out from the Panel?
Each Participant can opt-out from the Panel at any time by removing the Participant’s Account. The option to remove is available after logging into the Participant’s Account. To delete your Participant’s Account:
- Log into the Panel.
- Press Update profile.
- Press Close account.
How can I contact you?
If you still have a question about online paid surveys or iWadi research panel, you can contact us by sending e-mail to the address: [email protected]. Please note that we may be operating in different time zones and it may take us some time to get back to you.